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210毫米 x 170毫米








01 教養路漫漫 傳統經典助渡難關

02 人生舞台的燈光

03 社區護老戰隊 謝謝你守護我的晚年生活

04 成為殘疾人士路上的依傍

05 走過情緒幽谷 看見人生希望

06 為人生下半場做好準備

07 坐落社區的超級健康管家

08 不同也可以共融

09 天橋底下,街坊們的都市綠洲

10 不是錦上添花:新屋邨支援服務







Editor: Christian Family Service Centre

Authors: Cheng Kam-sze, Leung Wai-sze, So Mei-chi

ISBN: 9789881684776


Book specification

192 pages

Full-colour. Softcover

210mm x 170mm

Traditional Chinese

Printed in Hong Kong


This book narrates ten real stories of Hong Kong. These stories involve families that encounter marriage and parent-child relationship problems, teenagers who suffered mental health and career problems, care-givers of solitary elderly and physically disabled persons, an ex-mentally ill person, a retired 50s that entered their Third Age, urban farmers, residents of the new housing estates and others. These are not simply stories that show the core services offered by the Christian Family Service Centre, they are also stories that penetrate our visions towards the future of Hong Kong, and our prospects of creating quality lives and families, a friendly community, fair society and sustainable living environment.



Christian Family Service Centre (CFSC) was established in 1954. Over the years, the Agency's work gradually extended and it has now developed into a multi-service agency, with the mission to support and enhance family functioning and to foster an environment for growth and change. We provide multi-services including: Children & Family Services, Youth Services, Elderly Care Services, Active Aging Services, Services for People with Disabilities, Opportunities and Inclusion for People with Disabilities, Mental Health Services, Medical & Health Services, Community Development Services, Environmental Protection & Green Living, Employee Service Consultancy, Whole Person Development and Professional Training.


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