Oasistrek: The Thoughts of The Countryside in Hong Kong

The connection of the Lion Rock and urban city on the cover highlights the close distance between urban and rural area in Hong Kong.

The bar code of ISBN is a silhouette of mountains.

Oasistrek: The Thoughts of The Countryside in Hong Kong

The four chapters list out the best trekking routes.

This book is recommended by Liu Ka-shiang.

Every article is accompanied by beautiful scenery photos.

Transportation and trekking routes are provided with illustrations and details.

Transportations and trekking routes are provided with illustrations and details.

Illustrated routes outlining details.

The book was awarded in Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2017
210毫米 x 170毫米
分類 / 旅遊及地圖
「綠洲 Oasistrek」於2004年建立,是一個以香港遠足資訊與自然風景為題的網站,載有280條香港行山路線。創辦人曾經一度幻想它能成為本港最佳的行山網站,現時卻希望將之釀成一個更富保育意義與社會貢獻的平台,跳出網絡的框架,傳揚理念。網站會介紹行山路線,卻不是給讀者找資料;會提供行山地圖,卻不是要讀者跟著走;會分享風景照,卻不是推介攝影熱點;會售賣產品,卻又非為賺大錢(當然也希望賺一點)。網站是一個觸發原點,期望讀者透過行山,在自行探索的過程中認識本土的自然風景與鄉郊文化,思考自身與大自然的關係,從而推廣環境保護的理念。
Author: Teddy Law@Oasistrek
ISBN: 9789881684752
Winner of the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2016-2017
Shortlisted for Top Ten Book Picks, Hong Kong Reading City, Hong Kong Education City 2018
Recommended by Liu Ka-shiang (Taiwanese nature writer), Eric Ma Kit-wai (Professor at School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Allan Au (veteran Hong Kong journalist)
Book Specification
208 pages
Full colour, Soft cover.
210mm x 170mm
Traditional Chinese
Printed in Hong Kong/ Travel and map
Colourful neon lights brighten up Hong Kong as an international city. Yet, they can never overshadow the beauty of our countryside. As the founder of the local trekking website “Oasistrek”, Teddy has spent 12 years to introduce the natural scenery in Hong Kong to trekking lovers at home and abroad.
This book records the author’s trekking journey in great detail - the scenic views from the north western ancient trail to the southern coasts, and the amazing experience en route. Not to mention his reflections on the relationship between human and nature, and his wish for a balance between preservation and rural development.
Hiking routes and tips are included in the book, together with photos showing the alluring natural sceneries in Hong Kong. The readers can enjoy
trekking through the words before exploring the true beauty of countryside.
Teddy Law has worked for university, government and environmental organisation. He has some, but limited, knowledge about trekking, photographing, designing, writing and environmental protection. Therefore, he does not identify himself as a trekking expert, photographer or writer. By chance, he created the website “Oasistrek” and found his passion. Since then, he has been spending more time and efforts on the website than in his full-time job.
Having been trekking for more than 12 years, he is still enthusiastic about exploring the local countryside. He can be easily amused by the blue sky and white clouds, and be upset by the rubbish accumulated on the hills. He reckons he has greater responsibilities to protect the worsened natural environment. He has a lot of plans, but just a few have been accomplished. He hopes he can take action before he is too old.
Oasistrek (www.oasistrek.com), established in 2004, aims at introducing natural landscape and trekking routes in Hong Kong. It is especially fond of the scenery in Sai Kung and northeastern New Territories because of the naturalness and wilderness. The infrastructure development in Hong Kong is expanding drastically, and it creates irreversible impacts on the natural environment. Oasistrek sincerely wishes that the public would cherish and preserve our nature before it is too late.
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